Pitching Change

Last Updated: 9/5/2024, 12:27:34 PM
"Bustin' the Right Notes: The Art of Masterly Mashups at the Old Ballpark (aka Pitching-changes that Rock)"

As we hit the mid-point mark of the MLB season, every front-office ace, skipper, and sabermetric superhero is fixin' to mix-and-match their most talented, fresh-faced young guns with grizzled vets who've seen it All-27 innings, in search of just the perfect blend. Pitching-changing isn't brain surgery folks (nor has it ever even resembled medical precision these days), but turning things up on the spot remains key. Call in relief pitchers after starting aces stumble through two full. So what sets apart champions?

As I scrolled up into last week’s Leaderboards: Relievers by Earned Run Average had become top relieves of their time – or perhaps that era for the league, at just 20 games deep – were suddenly more important. We need heroes who turn disaster around with bases all empty; their ability could flip any ballgame entirely as fast (well, in short enough span if the right moves happen).

So go forth & change with wisdom: call them early, when every single run is priceless; and strategically swap those tired starter for reliefts which give you higher odds winning later in your season series matchups this whole season rather than going for an 8 – one loss - in consecutive outings where nothing falls their way.