**It's Swung Time! Who's Got Home-Run-Derby Magic in the MLB Summer of Hits?.**
Hey there fellow baseball lovers! We might be nearing peak sun-bathing season, but that's no reason to give up baseball. In fact, I think June's warm weather is when we're supposed to start craving the sound of crackling wood and exploding grand-dad oranges more intensely than your aunt at a garage sale auction – excuse me, in June.
It got us to ask this question – can anyone take on last session's Home-run-derby winners and show that there's been massive upgrading since then? With some truly epic performances lighting up our evening forecasts night after month now for longer than those poor guys who wear the jerseys are getting their free chicken dinners all Summer Long, its no surprise our minds got diverted by wondering – which guy gonna knock it out of this building like Mickey Callaway and others wish a home run-hitting champion should?!
A quick scan through 2022’s baseball summer leaderboard – okay, I didn`t exactly make that one last year when we just started reading here, but do you now know why this makes us love this beautiful activity of making baseball happen?! Anyhow let it suffice: looking in our books they say its all about breaking previous expectations to bring that 2023 baseball season back on schedule like an MLB superstar. In other ways we look deeper for guys knocking some home run fun magic dust our favorite day games all season round.
There you go again, folks, trying to pick winners right with their power plays in America major!