
Last Updated: 9/5/2024, 12:10:29 PM
The often-underthe-radar hero of every squad in baseball - the Bullpen! No, we're not here to talk about cattle raised with the gentle assistance of a herd (even though now that I mention it, getting a bull-like performance from bullpen folk might actually boost wins). Nor do we refer to any obscure medieval concept (sorry if our geekness briefly revealed itself).

The leaderboard you know already is always full of twists when talking Bull-pens. These relief wizards help managers win even the toughest tightrope walks: like when teams enter high-wire stunts with bases, less-than-full-on-the-shouldering pitching prowess still in recovery stages of being "close-and-mellow-but-sweet", then they turn to...that 'magically fresh-sliced-air-through-pitched-out-joy'; basically a magical mix resulting with an ever-stern 'last-chance' attitude usually bringing home the 'dip, slide or swing-for-a-home-run-funnel'-moment that every single manager and general manager wishes their pitching staff showed off even half as well as their prized starting lineup! Who is right? That's also another twist to tell at the ballpark we are here...to analyze.

Now in MLB 2022 (even with all current rule changes included: like the sticky situations with pitching; but remember, if no team's gonna give baseball fans all-the-thinks they were dreaming-of-again, how do we just make 'em dream again using stats?). Let us focus a lil (little) about that very special spot you usually take over, which - by-the-way-you-wonder-if-"can-an-owner-haul-pour-carry-all-a-truly-Bulls'-best-bets-make-for-homes" even, still seems so perfect with how well we talk of its relief help now-a-near-it-kept-up 'home', because at home (we all knew that). Yes that very last team, or team after it got all caught up - is right this time called... The BULL-pen!!!